Thursday, December 24, 2009

She might have had a gun

Some random woman, reportedly "deranged", shoved Pope Benedict to the floor of St. Peter's tonight just before Mass. The Pope was unhurt, thank God. But she might have had a gun, and then the Enemy would have landed another haymaker on this Christmas Eve, added to the Senate passage of abortion-funding "health care" legislation.

Let's be thankful for Pope Benedict while we have him. Media vita in morte sumus.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gotta hand it to ya, Catholics for Obama!

If 54% of my fellow Catholics hadn't voted for Barack Obama, maybe ornaments like this wouldn't be hanging from this year's White House Christmas -- oops, "Holiday" tree.

h/t SHH.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A rather slanted magazine rack

I visited our parish's offices a couple of weeks ago for a meeting, and the staff magazine rack caught my eye. Quite a few publications that tend to be full of dissent from Catholic doctrine: Sojourners, Commonweal, NCR. Some lukewarm ones like U. S. Catholic.

Fortunately also the Knights of Columbus' Columbia mag -- I'm guessing it's there because the Knights are making sure it's there.

But nothing else of substance on the orthodox side: no First Things, no Our Sunday Visitor, no Touchstone.